Jumat, 09 Desember 2011


 -welcome to my Page-
This is just another pictures of me. post this as i mean someday when i've lost this nice softcopies, i can download all my picts from this page.


 Pantai panjang, 15 Dec. 2013

Location :  Bunderan H.I

Tittle : The Chronicle of LOVE and LIFE
Location : Bukit Gua Jepang- Oepura, Kupang, NTT
Phototaker : Satria Eda

Tittle :the CADET of AMG  with the UNIFORM
Location :Kelas Met. VI E - 2nd Building - Kampus AMG
Phototaker :Akram Mujahid

Tittle : Look at me NOW!

Location :Kelas Met. VI E - 2nd Building - Kampus AMG

Phototaker :Akram Mujahid

With My Ride

Just Another Smokey Night; around Kepahiang, 03.12.13

"Stop Tell me this is bad. I Just wanna feel this moment" -

Evening. Kepahiang, 13.04.14

 Vanilla Twilight . 04.05.14

 oneday in Kepahyang.

 wear a gift from Aris Mali IPDN. now, 12 07 2014. at least, 3 years more, but this shirt still awesome on my body . *lol

totally BLACK outfit for office today. July 30th 2014.
 " “Pendaki sejati bukanlah orang yg mampu menaklukan puncak2 tertinggi .. tapi ia yg mampu menaklukan diri sendiri ...
Saat kau menyadari hidupmu stagnant dan penuh dengan hal-hal membosankan, saatnya kau kembali menyatu dengan alam, merefleksi lagi perjalanan hidupmu; 

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