Kamis, 30 Juli 2015 0 komentar


The Tao of Badass Exposed: 
A Full Frontal Review 
Summary by : Ed Hudson

The Tao of Badass is a famous step-by-step system for picking up girls that is proven to work for anyone. Regardless of age, looks or how inexperienced you are around women.
The Tao of Badass Exposed
The Tao of Badass is a rejection-proof system that teaches you a step-by-step method to approach, attract, seduce, and take girls back home with you.
I was drawn to learn more about The Tao of Badass after hearing about it’s creditable reputation – of it’s 100,000 + online users, 95.7% have found success with women.
I believe it’s success is largely down to The Tao of Badass philosophy:
‘What attracts women has nothing to do with money and good looks, rather, pre selection.’
Pre selection is the principle which dictates that women are more attracted to men who are seen to be attractive and wanted by lots of women.
And this pre selection thing is very much at the the heart of what The Tao of Badass is about. The system teaches you how to become ‘that guy’ who is wanted by lots of women.
And it does this by arming you with the knowledge of why you need to be like ‘that guy’ whilst giving you all the pick up skills you need to become ‘that guy’ who women are attracted to.
So how does The Tao of Badass go about transforming you into a guy who attracts all the women?
To answer this question I will discuss the 3 key parts to The Tao of Badass book:

Become an attractive man
The step-by-step system for picking up girls
Reading body language and knowing when a girl likes you

Part 1: Become an attractive man
The Tao of Badass introduces you to the term ‘badass’ to create a clear picture of what makes the ideal ladies man.
With this you’ll learn exactly what women are attracted to so that you can model yourself on becoming ‘that guy’ who gets all the women.
In the first chapter you’ll learn the interesting science behind male and female gender roles, and how vital it is to embrace your manhood.
This helps to highlight the importance of fulfilling your male gender role because if you don’t, you risk falling into the ‘nice guy’ category, or worse, being friend-zoned.
If you’ve experienced being friend-zoned before, this chapter is great for understanding what you did wrong so that you can avoid the traps to never get friend-zoned again.
The next chapter is dedicated to boosting your confidence levels.
Women love men who are oozing with confidence. So Joshua teaches you some vital tips to become more confident around women.
He does this by revealing some brilliant self belief techniques to help raise your self esteem and ultimately become more attractive.
Part 2: The step-by-step system for picking up girls
The approach is the first step and also the scariest step to picking up a girl.
It was therefore good to see The Tao of Badass dedicate a whole chapter to help get your approach skills nailed.
Joshua focuses a lot of his attention on approach anxiety – the crippling fear preventing most guys from meeting the girl of their dreams.
He reveals some great techniques to re-wire your deep-rooted psychological behaviour and rid yourself of approach anxiety once and for all. It’s fascinating stuff.
You’ll learn how to use the correct body language to approach, and the best way to open a girl and not get rejected.
Once you know how to approach you’re ready to learn about the ‘map of interaction’ – The Tao of Badass’s step-by-step method for picking up girls.
The map of interaction is constructed of 4 phases:
Relationship Balance

You’ll learn that ultimate success comes to those who are able to “see the matrix” which as Joshua puts it, is seeing which phase of the map of interaction you are in whilst you are in it.
Once you know what phase you are in, you’ll know how to successfully navigate your way to the next.
So how is each stage of the map of interaction discussed?
To build attraction Joshua explains how you need to utilize banter to make the conversation fun, playful and content free.
It was good to see tons of example banter lines are thrown in to compliment this how to advice.
You’ll also learn how important is is to demonstrate value to a girl and how you should NEVER try to sell yourself through bragging.
Loads of example qualifying questions are packed into the content to get her qualifying to you. These questions will help you instantly build attraction with a girl and get her chasing you!
In this part you’ll learn that through the cunning use of open-ended questions you can very quickly turn a boring conversation into a deep emotional roller coaster.
With this, you’ll discover a crafty technique to establish common interest AKA chemistry within the first few seconds of an interaction with a girl.
You’ll learn that building a strong level of rapport over the course of the interaction is vital if you ever want to see the girl again.
And once you start implementing Joshua’s rapport building techniques into your interactions, you’ll notice women won’t go cold when you text them the next day.
When it comes to picking up girls, this is the fun part! Joshua goes into great depth on this all important part to make sure you’re ready to go in for the kiss and not get rejected.
You gain a fascinating insight into the logical brain vs. the emotional brain theory and how women have what is called a ‘red zone’ enabling them to snap out of being seduced in a flash.
With that in mind, Joshua gives you some useful tips to avoid raising her red zone so that you can sexually escalate the seduction with zero chance of getting rejected.
Relationship Balance
Unlike any other pick up system, The Tao of Badass is unique in the way that it offers relationship advice.
If you’re looking to get a girlfriend or you’re someone who struggles to get any further than the dating zone, this section will be really useful to you.
You’ll discover the 4 major factors necessary to form a strong and successful relationship.
So if you’re victim of being cheated on, never had a girlfriend, or too often fall into the friend-zone, this section will give you all the solutions.
Part 3: Reading body language and knowing when a girl likes you
In this section you’ll learn the difference between positive and negative body language and how to effectively apply the right body language to the approach.
Joshua takes you through tons of different pick up scenarios to shows you the correct body language to adopt to every possible situation.
You’ll also get to learn about attraction cues so that you can develop a trained eye to spot when a girls into you.
This is vital stuff because the earlier you can spot a girl likes you, the quicker you can start escalating the seduction and getting sexual 😉
To wrap things up, you’ll get a fully detailed definition of the word that is heavily used in the book – ‘badass’.

Selasa, 28 Juli 2015 0 komentar


Oleh : Alexander Felix Taufan Parera

Satu pekan di medio Juli 2015 menyita atensi masif warga Bumi, terutama para pecinta Sains antariksa. Tanggal 14 Juli 2015 kemarin menjadi torehan sejarah dalam usaha manusia mencari jawaban yang lebih luas tentang antariksa. Silahturahmi ke tetangga (yang masih) satu galaksi, mengunjungi si Pluto. “ Pluto just had its first visitor! Thanks  NASA - it's a great day for discovery and American leadership ”, demikian ucapan selamat dari Presiden Amerika, Barrack Obama yang disampaikan melalui akun twitter resminya. 
 Setelah penantian 9 tahun lebih, akhinya Pluto mendapat kunjungan resmi pada tanggal 14 Juli 2015 kemarin. Diluncurkan dari  Cape Canaveral Air Force Station di Florida pada tanggal 19 Januari 2006, New Horizons kini telah tiba mengitari Pluto.

Ini bukan seperti kisah-kisah ekspansi heroik tentang penaklukan wilayah atau territorial baru, seperti kisah Alexander Agung atau kisah Jenghis Khan. Kunjungan ini lebih berkesan seperti mengunjungi ‘rumah’ baru dengan arsitektur berbeda dan belum dihuni. 
 Rasa ingin tahu manusia menjadi bahan bakar utama dalam ekspedisi mesin Spacecraft New Horizons ini. Dwayne Brown, juru bicara NASA, menegaskan bahwa program antariksa New Horizons ini menghantar umat manusia menuju sesuatu yang sebelumnya kabur kini telah menjadi lebih fokus dan jelas.

New Horizons
NASA meluncurkan New Horizons dengan misi untuk mengetahui lebih tentang Pluto. Bersama New Horizons, disematkan berbagai pertanyaan tentang Pluto, “ seperti apa atmosfer Pluto? Tersusun dari apa atmosfer Pluto dan bagaimanakah karaketristik material penyusunnya? Seperti apa gambaran permukaan Pluto? Apakah ada struktur geologi berukuran super di sana? Bagaimanakah partikel angin Matahari (Solar wind) berinteraksi dengan atmoser Pluto?.” Semua pertanyaan ilmiah tersebut diselipkan di dalam pesawat luar angkasa New Horizons.

Pada New Horizons terdapat tujuh jenis instrument berbeda yang masing-masingnya digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan berbeda. Tujuh jenis instrument tersebut antara lain Ralph, Alice, REX, LORRI, SWAP, PEPSSI, dan SDC.
Ralph merupakan Spectometer Inframerah untuk memetakan warna, komposisi, dan peta thermal dari Pluto. Alice juga Spectometer, yang berbeda dengan Ralph, Alice menggunakan sinar Ultraviolet untuk menganalisa komposisi dan struktur atmosfer Pluto serta atmosfer di sekitar Charon dan objek lainnya di dalam Sabuk Kuiper.
REX (Radio Science Experiment) merupakan radiometer pasif, LORRI (Long Rangge Reconnaissance Imager) merupakan kamera teleskopik yang bisa memperoleh data geologi resolusi tinggi. SWAP (Solar Wind Around Pluto) dan PEPSSI (Pluto Energetic Particle SpectometerScience Investigation) merupakan Spectometer untuk melihat bagaimana interaksi atmosfer Pluto terhadap angin Matahari dan mengukur komposisi dan densitas ion pada atmosfer Pluto. Sedangkan, SDC (Student Dust Counter) merupakan instrument pelengkap untuk mengukur banyaknya debu yang masuk ke Spacecraft New Horizons selama perjalanannya mengelilingi luar angkasa.
Silahturahmi Tiga Miliar Mil
New Horizons akhirnya berhasil menjawab beberapa pertanyaan tentang Pluto. Seperti apa atmosfer Pluto. Dengan pemetaan menggunakan infra merah, kini jelas bahwa pada beberapa bagian Pluto mengandung Methana. Di Pluto juga terdapat pegunungan es dengan tinggi 11.000 kaki atau sekitar 3.500 meter, hamper setinggi gunung Kerinci. Singkatnya, sependapat dengan juru bicara NASA, Dwayne Brown, keberhasilan New Horizons merupakan lompatan bersejarah lainnya bagi umat manusia.
Namun, saya pribadi masih penuh tanda tanya besar tentang semesta ini. What’s Next? Apa selanjutnya? Sambil membayangkan posisi kita (Bumi) dengan Pluto saat ini, saya pun berasumsi bahwa masih ada jarak yang maha luas yang masih bisa kita ‘kunjungi’. Masih banyak objek yang lebih jauh dari Pluto yang bisa kita ‘silahturahmi’. Berkunjung, ‘main-main’ dengan tujuan tertentu. Melihat-lihat barangkali ada ‘cinderamata’ yang bisa di bawa pulang. Cinderamata yang paling berharga tentunya : ilmu pengetahuan.

Manusia, melalui Science, terus mencari dan mencari."Hal yang paling berkesan tentang space (luar angkasa) adalah, setiap kali manusia ke sana untuk mencari, maka akan menemukan sesuatu yang baru dan menarik.setiap kali ke sana. Itulah bagian terbaiknya," demikian tulis sebuah akun twitter @SarcasticRover sebagai tanggapan terhadap kesuksesan New Horizons mendapat gambaran lebih jelas tentang Pluto.
