After having a field trip and survey related to Pamijahan’s lately Earthquake ( September 9th 2012), all the cadets who also the surveyors have furthermore duty : Result Report :-Talk and Tell the higher authority. So on Thursday, September 27th 2012 we had an official report and formal presentation about the result of Micro and Macroseismic survey we’ve already done last week ( September 14th -16th 2012).
After having a field trip and survey related to Pamijahan’s lately Earthquake ( September 9th 2012), all the cadets who also the surveyors have furthermore duty : Result Report :-Talk and Tell the higher authority. So on Thursday, September 27th 2012 we had an official report and formal presentation about the result of Micro and Macroseismic survey we’ve already done last week ( September 14th -16th 2012).
Tuesday, September 25th 2012
22.35 WIB (local time). A soliloquy fore sleep.
Alright, people. Today my day isn’t so bad. But I think
there’s somethin’ wrong about my mind. It’s like a syndrome or whatever y’all
called it, stricks me in one last week, and until now I’m still not eradicating
it from my mind. I felt my life is sucks ‘n
worthless when I’m 21 and still not having a band or at least have songs
my own songs that I write the lyrics ‘n making beautiful melody.
“ Your chamber is your personality”
Menjadi pelajar rantauan di daerah di mana yang bersangkutan tak punya sanak family, opsi menyewa kamar kost menjadi sebuah keharusan. Ruangan normal seadanya yang selalu menjadi sahabat paling setia; tempat di mana waktu hidup si pelajar banyak dilewatinya dalam kamarnya. Tempat bernanung dari terik siang dan pekatnya malam; peraduan bagi raga yang letih termakan aktifitas seharian di kampus; own paradise bagi si pelajar.
Senin, 17 September 2012
On Friday, September 14th 2012, my team Geophysicists and i go to have a field trip and survey in Pamijahan, Bogor; West of Java. As we know, our trip is related to the recent Earthquake, 9th September 2012.
We get there by using Bus and stay there for 2 nights in our Lecturer's villa in Ciampea Udik. Here i post some pictures and photo when we have this trip and survey.
Enjoy this, readers !
We get there by using Bus and stay there for 2 nights in our Lecturer's villa in Ciampea Udik. Here i post some pictures and photo when we have this trip and survey.
Enjoy this, readers !
published by : Alexander Parera/Geofisika/ AMG.
Kill two birds with one Stone (IDIOM) = Sama artinya dg Sambil menyelam minum air; 2 pekerjaan sekali jalan.
I’m not WAX in your hands = saya tidak semudah itu dipengaruhi olehmu.
Mess = Kacau; kekacauan.
Cause we’ve messing with the wrong guy = karena kita telah kacau dgn pria yg salah..
Make it look like an accident …
published by : Alexander Parera/Geofisika/ AMG.
Plague : Wabah (penyakit). Plague stricken = terserang wabah. To plague = menggoda; mengganggu.
Pursue = Mengejar; pursuit(n)-> Pursuit of knowledge(pencarian ilmu; mengejar ilmu pengetahuan)
Smuggler = Penyelundup.
Somber = suram; muram (ks)
Spin-spun = Berputar, putaran;kki=pusing ; My head Spun…
Eradicate = memberantas; membasmi.
“I think the female body is beautiful, so I may as well flaunt(Memamerkan, menjual tampang) it, right?”;
“the portrayal of the girl has exercised an enduring fascination” = portrayal(pelukisan); enduring(ks=abadi); Verb= endure(memikul/menahan).
Suffering(n)= penderitaan
Inconvenient Fact = Fakta yang tidak menyenangkan.
Fatalism = Fatalisme, kepercayaan bahwa NASIB menguasai segalanya.
Pathos (n)= Rasa Sedih; duka
Hatred(n)= Kebencian; rasa Benci.
Savor = (n=Rasa, Bau). (Verb= Menikmati(life))
Predestination = Takdir Persistence (n) = Ketekunan.
Harks = Mendengarkan Harks Back to=Reminds to= mengingatkan kembali akan..
Lack = Kekurangan, ketiadaan. Lack of Money; Lack of Seismicity/aseismic.
Few = beberapa; yg Sedikit (uncountable)
Ubiquitous(ks) = Ada di mana-mana Ubiquity(n) = keberadaan yg ada dimana-mana
Hostage(n) = Sandera Hostile(ks) = Bermusuhan
Thought- Think(I); Thought(II) sbg Noun, Thought= Pikiran; gagasan, ide.
Missal: “don’t give it a thought !”= Tak usah dipikirkan
Overrated(kkt) = Menilai terlalu tinggi.
Vivid description = Gambaran yang hidup.
Vivid personality = pribadi yang bersemangat.
Enigma = Teka-teki; ucapan yg menmbingungkan(n).
Enigmatic(ks) = sst yg membingungkan.
Alert = Waspada !
Blastproof = Tahan Ledakan.
Bid = Tawaran(n); kkt = menawar (bade, bid)
Grow out of a….= meninggalkan…
Swing = Ayunan; buaian.
Subtract = mengurangi
Constituent model = unsur pokok dari sbuah model.
Constituent= Unsur poko; atau juga=pemilih, konstituante.
Precede = (v=mendahului;) preceding (adj)= Yang Terdahulu.
In terms of = perihal; yg berkenan dengan..
Immaculate = (ks; amat bersih; tidak bernoda; innocent
Leverage = pengungkitan kembali.
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